Aberdeen Diving Club had three of their divers competing, Lauren Anderson, Laurie Rominger and Iain Banks at the Spring Masters Competition in Edinburgh. The masters competitions are split into two levels, Novice being slightly easier with less dives being required in order to compete and then the masters competitions. Over the weekend competition we had all three divers competing on both 1m and 3m in the novice events.
Day 1
Iain kicked us off in the Novice Men’s 1m, he dived amazingly considering he only started diving a couple of months previously. Iain managed to dive amazingly and came away with the GOLD medal. To follow we had Lauren and Laurie competing in their separate age groups in the Novice Ladies’ 3m. Lauren managed to compete a brand new dive very well and came away with the SILVER medal, while Laurie dived amazingly nailing every dive to easily get the GOLD medal. We had a great start to our weekend.
Day 2
Starting off Sunday for ADC we had Iain in the Novice Men’s 3m, after learning his 4th dive just a couple of days before he competed it, Iain managed to come away with another GOLD medal. In the Novice Ladies 1m, Lauren and Laurie were diving in their respective age categories. After making a mistake on her last dive in training, Lauren didn’t let that discourage her and she managed to come away with another medal this time taking the BRONZE. Laurie put together a fantastic set of dives, also competing a new dive coming away with the SILVER medal.
